About Me
My name is Nikolaos Athanasios Anagnostopoulos and I was born in Greece in 1986. I currently work as a research assistant at the University of Passau, where I am a post-doctoral researcher under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Stefan Katzenbeisser. The main focus of my studies has been computer science and, as a researcher, I work mostly on hardware security. However, my research interests include other broader topics, too.
In my free time, I enjoy travelling and getting to know new people and cultures. I have been part of the EIT Digital Master School, more than once, graduating every time, and I am currently one of the Alumni of EIT Digital. I have also taken part in the "IoT Platforms for Industry 4.0" organised by TU München in 1-14 July 2018, as one of the EIT Digital Summer Schools. Moreover, I also am a member of the Study Association Inter-Actief of Universiteit van Twente, for the last few years, and such I intend to stay. Additionally, I enjoy taking quizzes on the periodic table of elements (IUPAC certificate 2019, IUPAC certificate 2020), physics and chemistry.
Furthermore, I support the athletic club "Aris" originating from my home city of Thessaloniki, Greece, as well as FC Twente, originating from Enschede, the Netherlands, and SV Darmstadt, from Darmstadt, Germany.

Finally, I also like drinking "Radlermaßen".